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Showing posts from October, 2018

Coffee Roasting Using W600i Part 6

KNALPOT Sharing experience. October 2018 Ditulisan utama sharing experience using W600i Mini Roaster, gw nulis berikut: "Kapan sih harus pasang knalpot? Terserah sih, tapi pastinya mempengaruhi rasa kopi nya. Pasang knalpot juga mempengaruhi pergerakan suhu. Disini gw tidak pasang knalpot, karena target roasting gw fast roast di bawah 15 menit untuk 500ml green bean." January 2018 Setelah sekian lama pemakaian knalpot jarang dilakukan karena lebih sering roasting tanpa knalpot. Pemakaian knalpot di awal lebih banyak menyebabkan hasil rasa kopi yang "dry". Gw memakai knalpot ketika meroast semiwashed green bean. Itupun lebih banyak setelah dry ends. Untuk bean lain gw lebih sering menurunkan power gas sekitar 5%-10% di sekitar akhir waktu dry ends, daripada memakaikan knalpot. Kalaupun terpaksa gw pakai knalpot biasanya di FC, agar rasa kopi tidak terlalu smokey. Yang buat gw selalu kaget memakai knalpot ditengah roast adalah "hentakan" peruba

Green bean : roasting an aging coffee

Recently I roast non Indonesia coffee. Ethiopia Mocha Harrar and Brazil Santos. Both full washed. Wait, a full washed ethiopia mocha harrar? I should ask the seller. My suggestion: eat local food. Yes, I bought and roasted both coffee resulting a more "dull" taste than the indonesia coffee I used to roast. That does not mean that all indonesian green bean sold indonesia are fresh. Some are aging too. Indonesia is a large country. If you buy Gayo green in Jakarta in retail, you might get an aging green. That happened to me. I prefer buy direct from Aceh province (where Gayo region resides) or buy in Jakarta from a large distributor who has coffee farm in Gayo. But it is kind of not served full if you buy retail from large distributor. They will serve first their own list of orders usually from their customer contract. For home roaster there. If you roast in Indonesia, buy indonesian green bean. It should be more fresh. It is challenging to roast an aging coffee. Roasti

Northsider 4 ltr Coldbrew System Mini Series

I recently bought this 4 liter Northsider Cold Brew Sistem Mini Series. It consists of plastic bucket with valve, nylon filter, measurement cup, and 500gr coffee. The guide says to use 1:4.5 ratio of coffee to water. In internet you can surf, it says 1:8 ratio for cold brew immersion method for 12 to 16 hours. I tried both ratio. Why I bought this cold brew system? I bought it because I want an easy and fast way to produce lot of cold brew with cheapest tools. Does this system serve this purposes? Let's compare this system to suji drip cold brew persona 300 . See Suji Persona 300 review The ratio of coffee to water Northsider - 1:4.5            1: 12 - Suji Persona 300 The ratio of dilluting cold brewed coffee to drink Northsider - 1:1.5            none - Suji Persona 300 Final ratio Northsider - 1:6.75       1:12 - Suji Persona 300 Theoritically, the above ratio is correct. I will show you the actual. Time to brew in hours Northsider - 12h         2h - S