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Cold Brew Maker - Suji Persona 300 review

Suji Persona 300 Cold Brew dripper

This is Suji Persona 300 package. You will get 1 glass lid, 1 dripper head with metal valve, 1 ground coffee container with sintered glass filter at the bottom, 1 decanter/carafe, and 30 paper filters.

The material and made quality of the product is excellent. We will discuss the function later. Overall quality is good.

Capacity of the head dripper is 300ml cold water. Good for personal use. If you start brewing coffee in the morning, then you can get cold brew coffee at noon for your lunch break. Dripping duration is about 2 to 3 hours. Coffee container with sintered glass filter can be filled with 25gr ground coffee.

The valve is a quarter turn valve. The material of the valve is metal. In their website, they say the material is made from high quality aluminium. But the look of the valve is like stainless steel. A quarter turn valve means it needs a quarter turn to fully open the valve. The size of the valve is small. I have difficulty to precisely open the valve for an exact drip rate. But you will get to use to it. The manual says to use 1 to 1.5 seconds per drip or about 40 to 60 drips per minute. Hmmmm... easy? I got 55 drips per minute and want it to drip slower a bit. It needs a very tiny turn. The valve functions well but hard to control. The off-line store staff says to check the drip rate at least every one hour. I used cold water only, not cold water and ice as suggested, but put the brewer in the fridge. The drip rate did not change much.

The sintered glass filter was nice, because you do not need to change coffee filter. The paper filter comes with the package is to be put on top of the ground coffee for the water to drip on. You can wash or rinse the sintered glass filter with warm water. However with my experience after several use of it, the sintered glass filter traps some ground coffee in it and cannot get off, and the color of the filter become yellowish. Suji off-line store staff says you can bring it to them, and they will clean it for you free. I live in Jakarta and their store is in Bandung, still I have to pay the courier.

The taste. The taste of the cold brew coffee using persona 300 is good. Different taste with 8 hours immersion method using french press. Dripping method creates better taste for me, and Persona 300 makes it faster.

The price. It is not cheap, but the cheapest among other dripping method cold brew maker from other brand. Or you can make cold brew dripper yourself using used plastic bottle. Find tutorial in youtube.

If you like cold brew coffee for yourself, go buy it. I would say you would not regret it. Well at least I don't. You could buy it here.


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